Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Oke, it's my first post. Sebuah essay tentang nuclear power (sebenarnya baru rintasan singkatnya saja). Well I don't make it intentionally. Tapi lebih karena tugas ospek kampus sebelah yang harus saya kerjakan karena beberapa hal. But, actually I enjoy doing this task :)

Nuclear Energy : Does The World Needs It?
Nuclear energy is recently offered as an alternative energy to overcome the crisis of energy. The debate about nuclear energy has never come to an end. Some people agree with the utilization of it because it has many great advantages. However,  some others  disagree because  its great risks to environment.
Those people who agree with the utilizing of nuclear energy argue that it is a best option to sustain our demand of energy and also it will reduce our dependance of fossil fuel. As we know, the raising of human population and economies makes the demand of energy soared. And the important thing that people tend to overlook is that our energy, fossil fuel such as coal and oil are not renewable. Human lives will come to an end when these energy gone, unless we can find a way to live without coal and oil. Nuclear energy , in this case, offers an efficient way which can provides million people’s demand of energy. Those also claims that nuclear energy doesn’t release any emissions. It is “zero release”.  So, it doesn’t like fossil fuel which produces carbon dioxide and green houses gasses which primarily responsible of global warming .  In simple, this process uses a radioactive material to heat water into steam, which in turn rises to the top of a chamber. The stream then turns a turbine which is converted to electricity. So, on environmental overview it will never cause pollution, but the others energy, such as coal and oil, they really do.
On the other hand, people who disagree with the use of nuclear energy argue that the power of nuclear can destroy human lives. Chernobyl incident proves it. In 1986, there was an explosion at nuclear plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine. It killed thousands of people and led millions more to unhealthy condition. Its radiation caused cancer, and birth defects. It is also responsible for contamination of soil and water. As a result, human lives are impossible for miles around. Recently, Japan has been the second time. Some its nuclear plants leaked due to tsunami and earthquake. And there is no place in the world is free from earthquake, floods, tsunami etc which possibly can cause nuclear plant’s leaking. On these point of views nuclear energy is fail.
It is obvious that fossil fuel has many contributions to the environmental pollution. It is also true that nuclear power provides us great quantities of energy. But, the possibility of nuclear energy to destroy the human lives is greater than the environmental pollution contributions which is caused by fossil fuel.
According to me, it will be wiser if we are in the middle of these two groups. Nuclear energy can be used more, but thinking that nuclear energy is not a long term answer is the best.

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